Framingham Downtown Sewer Extension
Brennan Consulting performed an existing condition and Right of Way (ROW) route survey for a sewer extension project following Salem End Road across Route 9 and culminating on the north side of the Massachusetts Turnpike for a length of 5,000 LF. The project required the survey of local streets, a CSX railroad corridor, and highways including Route 9 and the Turnpike. Topography and extensive roadway/corridor features including curbing, driveways, utility/light poles, railroad tracks, edge of pavement, pavement markings, trees greater than 4 inch caliper, wetland flags, and several culverts were obtained. Approximately 70 borings were laid out.
ROW determination included the streets, railroad and State Highway Layout. Utility research and field survey were performed for drainage, sewer, water, gas, electric/telephone/cable, etc. The survey was performed and delivered in MassDOT CAD standards and required software, AutoCAD Civil 3D, version 2014. The survey was performed at 1”= 20’ scale horizontal accuracy and 1 ft contour intervals.