
Ocean Grove Beach Revitalization

Swansea, MA

Brennan Consulting is performing civil engineering design, permitting and construction documents for the reconstruction/revitalization of a community center and beach area on a nine acre municipal site adjacent to Mount Hope Bay. The project includes traffic impact study/wayfinding, boundary/existing conditions/ROW land surveying and, site design including site layout, storm water management/grading and utility connection design.

Traffic engineering included directional signing from Interstate 195 to the site, access and egress, intersection design and site circulation includes three connected parking lots. The site design encompassed site layout, storm water management in accordance with the DEP storm water management standards for a coastal project, erosion and sedimentation control, demolition plans, grading and drainage, utility connections and construction details.  The storm water management design required intensive coordination with DEP because of numerous requirements for areas of critical concern within a beach bathing environment. Mr. Emilius obtained an Site Plan Approval and an Order of Conditions from the Swansea Planning Board and Conservation Commission, respectively